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Caricatures in Denver - we get the lead out for you!
HomeExamples of Our WorkChoosing a Caricature Artist


A good caricature artist can make any event a rousing success. However, sad to say, an artist who doesn’t match up with your group (picture quality, speed, personality, etc.) may leave your guests, clients, friends, etc. with less-than-positive feelings.

Here are 5 basic suggestions for you to follow when choosing a caricature artist for your next event. You may also call us at (303) 368-8818 and we will give you our best advice.

1.QUALITYYou want a good quality caricature that depicts the subject in a positive manner. Ask for samples, but it is better if you can observe the artist in person.

2.QUANTITYI suggest you choose an artist who can complete 15-25 individuals or 10-20 couples (B/W) per hour. Adding color and bodies to the caricature will reduce these numbers. Consider what your needs are. Remember, long waits in line can be unnerving for your guests.

3.FEESObviously, fees will vary, but consider this: an artist who charges $100 per hour, but completes 20-25 caricatures per hour ($4-5 per person) may be a better choice than an artist who charges $75 per hour, but only completes 6-10 caricatures per hour.

4.PERSONALITYThe way the artist relates to the subject goes a long way in making your guest comfortable when being caricatured. Choose an artist who will fit well.

5.PROFESSIONALBeing on time, having all the needed materials, being flexible to your needs and those of your guests, and dressing appropriately for the occasion is what professionalism is really about.

Please use these guidelines as you wish. If at any time we can be of assistance to you, please feel free to give us a call. (303) 368-8818